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Thursday, September 18, 2008

~Pros & Cons of Private Tutoring~

I am having fun teaching and I enjoy my role as a teacher. The time flexibility and money (if I could have more students) and even the position of authority, motivate me to continue working in the education line.

Of course, there is the negative side as well. SPM's coming and my F5 students are bound to stop their classes. Holiday's coming and my students are bound to request for a break. My adult student called today to cancel his class tonight due to job commitments. My other students canceled the previous classes to prepare for their trials. All of this, of course, results in my financial instability. I have to start from scratch (advertising, scouting etc.) in order to cope during the holidays and in the coming year. Not to mention that I do not have EPF or SOCSO as this is a private "business". Also not forgetting that I do not get bonuses or commissions!

So, what's the fun in the job? It is the ideal one (for me) as I am able to cope with my studies and earn money at the same time. As a part-timer, the money is sufficient but of course, me being the greedy me, money is never enough; therefore, the financial insecurity. I feel bounded by responsibility to be able to care for myself financially. Furthermore, I should be contributing to the family - giving my parents and siblings monthly allowances, paying for dinner, groceries etc. but I'm not up to that level yet... Also, I feel a sense of responsibility to pamper Hc as well since I am the working one and he's still studying.

Alas... I can dream, I can hope, I can wish...

I look forward to the day of such luxury in my life...


Anonymous said...

hey.. the day of financial stability and lots of money will come when HC starts his career in medicine..that time ur tai-tai okay...

~Jacqueline_ch~ said...

That's if he's famous enough to earn about 20,000 a week (at least) haha...

Anonymous said...

You arr. Money-faced. RM20,000 a week! AT LEAST somore! RM10,000 a month also "thau thau chiou liao lo".

Money is the root of all evil.

~Jacqueline_ch~ said...

Inflation my dear... by then RM20,000 is equals to RM200 nia la.. So i'm being realistic here..

Anonymous said...

Even if its due to inflation, it wont be to the extent of RM20,000 ler. Inflation or to satisfy your crazy crave for shopping? =P

You know what people say about reasons.