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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why am I always broke?

I was broke! And I am still broke! Why is it so?

1. I'm a spendthrift.
2. I spend more than I earn.
3. My salary's a bummer.
4 I'm just being annoying.

What's the answer? A little of everything. Actually, a lot of everything. I suck at financial management!!! Argh! Hc always says that I'm being too unrealistic whenever I stumble upon issues of money.

Truthfully, my earnings should be good enough considering the amount of time that I spend working and the extra time that I have to do my personal stuff, which includes studying and doing my assignments. So, I should be more than satisfied with how much I have. But... But... But... Who's ever satisfied???

I still have time slots to fit in. So, for those who are in need of help in English, do feel free to contact me. Hehe...

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